Frequently Asked Question

How to report phishing emails and false positives on messages.
Last Updated 3 years ago

We utilize Coro to enhance our phishing protection beyond what is included with Microsoft. Coro has added a tool that is in both the Outlook desktop app, as well as the web app. If you receive a message that you suspect is a phishing attempt, you can use this tool to report it. You can also use the tool to report false positives on messages as well.

Note: Please do not forward phishing messages to IT moving forward, unless you would like us to review it for you, as this is a safer and more effective way to report phishing messages.

Outlook App:


1. With the email selected you will see the Coro icon in the top right corner of Outlook. Click on that to open the Coro options.


2. The above dialog will open after clicking the Coro icon.

  • To report a phishing message click on Report Phishing button to mark the message as phishing. The icon below will appear under the sender information, and the email will move to the Suspected folder after a short time.
  • To report a false positive for a message mistakenly marked as phishing click on Mark as Safe. The icon below will appear under the sender information, and the message will be removed from the Suspected folder. This should only be done for safe messages in the Suspected folder.

Outlook Web App:


1. With the message open click on the Coro icon by the message reply options at the top right side of the message.


2. The above dialog will open after clicking the Coro icon.

  • To report a phishing message click on Report Phishing button to mark the message as phishing. The info below will appear under the sender information, and the email will move to the Suspected folder after a short time.
  • To report a false positive for a message mistakenly marked as phishing click on Mark as Safe. The info below will appear under the sender information, and the message will be removed from the Suspected folder. This should only be done for safe messages in the Suspected folder.

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