Frequently Asked Question

Scanner is scanning pages in sideways.
Last Updated 4 years ago

When scanning documents into Exscribe and/or Allscripts they are coming in rotated sideways.

This can happen to anyone when they first login to a new computer, but once you make the change below to correct it your scans should scan in at the correct orientation whenever you login to that computer.

NOTE: You will perform this fix in Exscribe, but it will also correct the issue for Allscripts.

1. Click the Document Manager Icon on the left side of Exscribe to go to the Document Manager screen.

2. Right click on Scanners and select Acquire from RemoteScan.

3. Click File in the top left corner of the Scanner Settings and click Show Driver Interface.

4. On the bottom left side click the Scan button (Note: Nothing needs to be in the scanner).
NOTE: Use Document Feeder and Duplex Scan should also be checked her to allow for multiple page and double sided scanning.

5. On the bottom left of the second scanner interface window click Options.

6. Under Advanced Scan Settings be sure Portrait is selected under Rotation and click Close.

7. When taken back to the scanner interface window click Close.

8. When taken back to the scanner settings window click Close.

Your scanner should now be set to scan documents Portrait instead of rotated 90 degrees.

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